Blooming Boomers, Late Bloomers of Autumn and Winter Podcast

S2 E7 - Career Programs for 55+; Anna - podcast co-host and producer; Mirella - podcast co-host; Nick - podcast audio/editor (please see below for more about the podcast and us). Season 2 Episode 7

In this episode of Blooming Boomers, Anna and Mirella speak with Keith Goodwin, a career advisor at the local YWCA. Keith talks about employment for those 55 and up and what programs like his can offer.
Keith also recounts his journey through life and how he has successfully re-invented himself a few times. It's never too late for any of us.

For those considering working longer, and needing support, motivation, do check for programs and resources in your community: YWCA, YMCA, libraries, colleges and also any government programs are good sources.
As Keith mentioned, ageism does exist, but equally there are also opportunities.

We look forward to your input.
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And if you'd like to share your story, hobbies, insights, experiences, ... let us know and we'll be happy to consider you as our guest on our podcast and/or YouTube channel.